Double B Equine Rescue
It Shouldn't Hurt To Be A Horse!!!!!
Home      Healing Horses With Reiki
Some of you know of Reiki's Healing benefits, as there are more and more people
looking into becoming Reiki Practitioners or Reiki Masters ( for those who want to go
on to teach Reiki ).  Reiki is an ancient Japanese energy healing that was rediscovered
by Dr. Usui (pronounced-you-sue-eye ).  Reiki works on every level; emotional, physical,
psychological, and spiritual.   One does not have to believe in Reiki for it to work.  They
only need be open to it.  There are different ways to explain how it works; either in a
spiritual way or a scientific way for those who seem to need more proof of an intellectual
description.  The Practioner, also, benefits from giving a Reiki Healing, as well as the person
or animal receiving it
In working with animals, sometimes it is best to start at a distance, at least until they are
comfortable with the change of energy that you are sending to them.  This will help you know
if an animal is up to the energy healing that day or not.  One is should always ask permission
before sending Reiki to anyone; animal or human.  If they are not ready, they will let you know
right away.  Reiki is very gentle, relaxing, calming, healing.  It never does harm in any way
whatsoever.  If they move away this energy it is fine,  Reiki can NEVER be forced.  You just
try another day.  Reiki is even being offered at the Franklin Memorial Hospital for it's patients. 
The Reiki enhances the treatments they are receiving from the medical doctors.  Even Brenda,
here at the rescue, has had Reiki treatments.  It's benefits and experiences are wonderful and
very enlightening for the client and healer.
Here, at Double B, we are using Reiki to help the horses recover from their issues.  It is given
freely to each horse and a progress report will be kept on each horse on  a monthly basis.  It's
benefits are incredible for the horse and to see as they receive the healing energy.  Each horse
responding in a different way because of it's individual nature and issues.  Some fall asleep,
some just stand there relaxed, some even move away and come back to you and inhale the
energy coming from the Practioners hands.
If there are Reiki Practitioners out there who would like to practice their healing methods in another
way, please, contact us at the rescue.   Reiki  is working to help the horses and more volunteers
would be much appreciated.  It would be fun and interesting to get a Reiki Group together, perhaps
once a month, to do a group healing on the individual horses.  Be sure to look at our "Links" page for Reiki services, if you would like to check into it more. 
We will be adding more on this subject as we go along.  Go in Love and Light....
Be Kind.    Kamama